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scheduler resource header problem

Asked by Ian Chan
16 years ago.

Is there a way to set the scheduler resource header width?

I read in one of the old version you guys took out wrapping, so if the resource name is too long, it just doesn't show the end.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Yes, you can use RowHeaderWidth property to adjust the resource header width. You can also wrap the text manually by inserting <br /> element.
Comment posted by Tushar G. Walavalkar
16 years ago.
I couldn't put in a <BR /> as suggested, so I modified the original control code by removing the outer DIV which was preventing the wrapping. Now it works as I want with automatic wrapping.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Yes, the <br/> is not working, as I realized while testing another feature.

When you remove the outer div it doesn't align to the center (vertically) anymore.

I'm looking for a way to set the vertical alignment using a server-side property. Full <br/> support is the ultimate goal but at least it would be possible to switch to top alignment and enable <br/> wrapping.

Thanks for posting your solution!
Comment posted by Craig
15 years ago.

Dan, is it possible to make the header text wrap in it's own cell and not go into the all day event cell below it?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
Craig, I guess you are talking about DayPilotCalendar. The header cells are defined with style='overflow:hidden' so the text shouldn't go outside the cell. What browser do you use? Can you please send a screenshot to
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