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Assign custom list in event list

Asked by Anil Singh
8 years ago.

I am not able to assign custom list with the event.list. I am a Salesforce Developer

I am using it in Visual Force page.

My code is:
This is the list:= "event_ass_list"

<apex:repeat value="{!event_ass_list}" var="evt">
start: '{!evt.StartDateTime__c}',
end: '{!evt.EndDateTime__c}',
id: '{!}',
resource: '{!evt.User__c}',
text: '{!evt.Name}'
I am not able to see the events on scheduler

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

The most common problem when the events don't appear is that the resource id reference ([].resource) doesn't match the id of the resource (dp.resources[].id).

Note that it must be exactly matching, including type (1 !== "1") and case ("a" !== "A").

If the resource id is correct you should check the actual start and end values by inspecting in the javascript console.

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