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Grid Lines

Related article: Hotel Room Booking Tutorial (ASP.NET, C#, VB, SQL Server)
Asked by Priyanga Wijesiri
8 years ago.

Am Priyanga from Sri Lanka, evaluating Daypilot in VS2013/VB
I use Scheduler for Hotel Room project, and the grid line should be shown as the attachment. I captured this image from
But I cannot find how to do it. Please advice.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

If you mean the grid cells starting and ending at 12:00 (noon) instead of 00:00 (midnight) then this is implemented using a custom timeline feature:

It's not described in the tutorial text but you can implement it like this (see Page_Load method in Default.aspx.vb):

DayPilotScheduler1.Scale = TimeScale.Manual
Dim start As New Date(Date.Today.Year, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
Dim [end] As Date = start.AddYears(1)

Dim cell As Date = start
Do While cell < [end]
  DayPilotScheduler1.Timeline.Add(cell, cell.AddDays(1))
  cell = cell.AddDays(1)
Comment posted by Priyanga Wijesiri
8 years ago.

This solution didn't work for me. I tried with many alternatives also.
Please let me know the exact solution if you can give.

Thanx in Advance.

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