> Layer Multiple events: Group calendar view for multiple resources.
Two options are available:
1. Resources in columns (Calendar control)
2. Resources in rows (Scheduler control)
> Filter the date range (exposes an event to set the calendar dates) - can we restrict certain users to just go to certain dates? I mean if we want a certain user to view/edit only certain dates. for e.g.
consider months only.. if user is allowed to only go to six months in past?
Yes, this is possible. You can see that in MVC, the date switching ("navigation" - http://doc.daypilot.org/calendar/navigation/) is done using OnCommand handler. This allows you to check the new date and forbid the action or adjust the target date as required. You can also inform the user about the result using a custom message: http://doc.daypilot.org/calendar/message-bar/
> Create/Validation on event data : Can we create our own custom event templates? and validate them?
You have full control over the event box that displays in the calendar/scheduler:
You can customize the event CSS class, HTML and other properties.
You can also customize the dialogs that are used for event creating and editing - these dialogs are standalone pages opened in a modal dialog using DayPilot.Modal script (http://code.daypilot.org/81367/daypilot-modal).
You can see the sample projects at http://code.daypilot.org to see how the event detail dialog can be customized. E.g. the Hotel Room Booking tutorial: http://code.daypilot.org/48275/hotel-room-booking-asp-net-c-vb-sql-server