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Gantt: onBeforeTaskRender cssClass not working

Asked by Steve Fisher
7 years ago.

I am trying to add a class to tasks that are about to be rendered, following this guide:

dp.onBeforeTaskRender = function(args) { = "test";

I am expecting the class to be added to gantt_default_event but nothing appears to happen.

This is occurring in a fresh download of the latest version (both jQuery and Angular). I only had time to test it in Chrome 54.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

You need to specify the CSS class for either the row header ( or for the task box in the grid ( In the Gantt chart, doesn't exist:

dp.onBeforeTaskRender = function(args) { = "test"; = "test"; 
Comment posted by Steve Fisher
7 years ago.


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