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Can't install paid Daypilot with npm in a Angular/Cli Project

Asked by Juan
7 years ago.

I've been testing DayPilot Scheduler trial in a Angular4 project. When I've seen that the scheduler works as expected, we've paid the license.
After get the API-Key, I try to install via npm like this:
npm install

npm return error 400.

How can install via packaje.json?

Thanks in advance.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Have you replaced x.y.zzzz with the actual version number?

Example for the latest release: 

You can also get a link to a specific release in the customer area under "Licenses" -> "NPM". Click the required version number to get an npm installation command for your license. It looks like this:

npm install --save

Let me know if the problem persists.

Comment posted by Juan
7 years ago.

I'm very sorry. Yes, I didn't replace with the version number.

Thank you very much.

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