I am using the scheduler from "daypilot-pro-angular": "https://npm.daypilot.org/daypilot-pro-angular/trial/8.3.2826.tar.gz"
Unlike the various samples you have provided, I am not able to select time ranges - I can only click on a single cell and trigger 'onTimeRangeSelected'. Similarly the cross hairs are only visible, when I have clicked a cell.
I hope you can point me in the right direction here.
config: any = {
viewType: 'Resources',
locale: 'da-dk',
businessBeginsHour: 0,
businessEndsHour: 24,
showNonBusiness: true,
scale: 'Hour',
days: 7,
treeEnabled: true,
durationBarVisible: true,
useEventBoxes: 'Never',
timeHeaders: [
{groupBy: 'Week'},
{groupBy: 'Day', format: 'd'},
{groupBy: 'Hour'}
cellWidthSpec: 'Auto',
resources: [
{name: 'R1', id: 'R1'},
{name: 'R2', id: 'R2'},
{name: 'R3', id: 'R3'},