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Double events show

Related article: Angular 4 Restaurant Table Reservation (PHP/MySQL)
Asked by Tom
7 years ago.

I try to show sheduler for 1 day. I'm using navigator to choose the day to display. The first time display of anyday is normal but when i choose another day and choose the previous day again it double the events like the photo below. I don't know why
Please help .
Regards, Tuan.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Can you try upgrading to the latest DayPilot Pro version?

Try running the following command in the console:

npm install --save

Most likely, the tutorial includes a reference to a previous version of DayPilot that had a similar bug. It will be updated soon.

Let me know if it didn't help.

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