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How do I specify Landscape for Print?

Asked by stapes
6 years ago.

I am printing a DayPilot scheduler using the following code:

var image = this.$scope.dps.scheduler.exportAs("SVG"
, {
area: "range",
dateFrom: this.formatDate(fromDate),
dateTo: this.formatDate(toDate),
quality: 0.1

Is it possible to tell it to print in Landscape format?

Comment posted by stapes
6 years ago.

An answer some time this year would be appreciated.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

I did a couple of tests but unfortunately the only browser that lets you specify orientation when printing is Chrome.

The only reliable way is to create a PDF file and insert the exported image. See the following tutorial:

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