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Disabling thick boarders when generating custom timeline

Asked by Praneeth
6 years ago.

I am using Angular 2 component

I am generating a schedule using a custom timeline using the this.config.timeline. However when I schedule it adds a black boarder between each cell. I need to remove this and the control does not seem to remove this even though i add

args.cell.width= "0";

How do i get rid of the black boarder as shown in the attached image?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

This is a line that is highlights places where the timeline is interrupted (a cell doesn't start at the same time where the previous cell ends).

You can override the CSS manually like this (for the default theme):

.scheduler_default_main .scheduler_default_matrix_vertical_break {
  background-color: #eee;
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