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Overwriting an event backColor seems to remove capability to change selected color

Asked by Vincent
5 years ago.

I have encountered this issue in my testing. It seems that assigning a backColor to an event prevents you from overwriting the color with another when it is selected. Ideally, I would just like to be able to make any selected event in the scheduler a darker version of that color(if event is red, it would be a darker red when selected; if it is yellow, it would be a darker yellow when selected).

How would I be able to resolve this issue?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

You can do this by adding the following CSS:

.scheduler_default_selected  {
  background-color: black;
.scheduler_default_selected .scheduler_default_event_inner {
  opacity: 0.7;

It also works in combination with backColor.

Comment posted by Vincent
5 years ago.

That worked, good to know.

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