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Is there any way to capture when the current date changes

Asked by richk74
7 years ago.

I have a scheduler that allows horizontal scrolling -- I also have two lists I'd like to update when the current date changes via scrolling. This app is for scheduling drivers and vehicles, and they want a list of who has not yet been assigned that day. They also want the scrolling, so no datepicker or date drop down. Is there any way to do this?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

In the ASP.NET version, you can subscribe to "onscroll" event on the main scrolling area. This element is accessible as "dp.nav.scroll" on the client side (where "dp" is the value of ClientObjectName).

The current viewport start can be read using "dp.getViewPort().start" as DayPilot.Date.

See also:

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