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What determines if an Event is shown?

Asked by Kim
7 years ago.

In Calendar, using "Resource" view, what exactly determines if an Event (pulled from db) is shown?
I have experimented a lot with it and found, that there is a connection between an Events' date and its Resource. Currently only events for the first week are shown, even if the event in the second week seems to match the criteria = same date + resource.
Currently I set up Columns' resource=day number, and Event resource to its start.getDay() (day number 0..6).

I am confused...

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Each column uses two key properties:

  • id
  • start

The basic rule is that event.start must be within the specified day (column.start) and the event.resource must match the column id (

1. If you don't specify this column will show all events (regardless of event.resource value).
2. If you don't specify column.start it will use DayPilot.Calendar.startDate.

If you are using a column hierarchy, the id/start properties need to be specified on the bottom nodes (the values are not inherited from parents).

Comment posted by Kim
7 years ago.

Thanks Dan. However, when I removed the and resource, no events were shown at all. I had to remove the resource from the events too, to get it to work.

Thank you for your quick and detailed help!

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Oh yes, you are right. Thanks for the update!

You can use"*" to show all events (with or without event.resource specified).

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