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onEventResized and onEventMoved

Related article: Angular 4 Restaurant Table Reservation (PHP/MySQL)
Asked by Tom
7 years ago.

I put a DayPilot.Modal.confirm in the onEventResized so when i press "OK" on the confirm form the event will be moved. However, sometime the event will not move until i refresh the page.
I did use "CallBack" on eventMoveHandling and eventResizeHandling too.
Please help.
Regards, Tom.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

If you want the event to be moved automatically you need to use "Update" value for the *Handling properties:

config: any = {
  eventMoveHandling: "Update",
  eventResizeHandling: "Update"

If you handle onEventResize (onEventMove) you can cancel the action by calling args.preventDefault().

The onEventResized (onEventMoved) handler is called when the update is complete (the event has already been moved).

Let me know if the problem persists.

Comment posted by Tom
7 years ago.

Can i use args.preventDefault() for Event Deleted too?

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