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Daypilot scheduler 2018.1.3203. showNonBusiness false still shows weekends

Asked by Marc
6 years ago.


After update to 2018.1.3203 version of Daypilot the weekend days are still shown after settting the showNonBusinessHours = false.

sched.scale = "CellDuration";
sched.cellDuration = "15";
sched.businessBeginsHour = 0;
sched.businessEndsHour = 7.5;
sched.showNonBusiness = false;
sched.businessWeekends = false;
sched.eventMoveSkipNonBusiness = true;

What should be changed to not show the weekend days?

Regards, Marc

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

This behavior was caused by a bug. It's fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2018.2.3214):

Please let me know if the problem persists.

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