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Capture Drag Start

Asked by Aliaa
6 years ago.


I am trying to set the event dragging action to copy instead of move. The way I want to implement this, is by dragging a certain icon in the event div. I tried to capture the mousedown & dragstart events but couldn't do so. It seems that the component is not bubbling any of these events. I also checked all the events the component is providing but couldn't find anything that could help. Is there a way to implement this?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

Hi Aliaa,

Take a look at the following tutorial:

In "Creating a Follow-Up Job" section, it explains how to create an icon that will let you copy the event instead of moving it.

Comment posted by Aliaa
6 years ago.

Thanks a lot. It worked.

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