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i can not delete or edite an appointment slot!

Asked by abdoug
5 years ago.

everything works well while using daypilot for js doctor scheduler, manager can make the available slots and doctor and patient can see them, also the patient can make a waiting appointment but when it comes to doctors i can't delete or edite.. i think bc i didn't know how to chnage the session id :/ please can someone help me?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

It seems to work fine for me. Do you see any error in the JavaScript console?

Comment posted by abdoug
5 years ago.

thank u for reply coz i really need a sloution.. actually everything works well just when i open the modal to edite or delete an appointment in the doctor page i can't delete or even cannot see the status and the name of the user.. maybe coz i didn't know where to make the user id instead of the session id :/

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

This project doesn't use any authentication.

If you can't delete or edit the appointment from the modal dialog there is most likely a server side error (when calling the backend endpoint). You should check the "Console" and "Network" tabs in the browser developer tools to see what kind of problem it is.

Comment posted by abdoug
5 years ago.

but what they meant with this:

"As soon as the appointment request is saved the slot status is changed to "waiting" and the color is changed to orange.

In this demo, the user identification is saved using the session ID. In a standard application, you would use the user id instead. " ?

i'm using a standard app and the users can login and choose an appointment..

Comment posted by abdoug
5 years ago.

oh i got this error in the console:

"Source map error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: http://localhost/dental_clinic/users/appointment/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js Source Map URL:[Learn More]"

what is it please?

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