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Moving "Endless" events : How to keep up the e.end = NULL ?

Asked by Alex
4 years ago.

I have events with no end-date set (= null) loaded from my server.
The scheduler displays these with the current date-time as an end. All fine with that.

Once I start moving or resizing this "endless" event, the scheduler overwrites my original ".end = null" value.

I'm trying to set back the .end-value after moving (within my own: onEventMove) to .end=null, again.
But that does not work.

Any chance to get solved (without having reload everything...) ?

Any kind of suggestions - veeery much appreciated! :)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

The Scheduler requires both the start and end dates of the event to be set. An empty value will be replaced by new DayPilot.Date() instance which represents the current time.

In your case, it might be better to provide a special value (such as "2099-12-31") in place of the unspecified end and convert it to a null value when saving it in the database.

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