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EventClickHandling with JavaScript

Asked by AlexT
4 years ago.

I am using the Timesheet for ASP.NET and the Scheduler in one application with VisuaBasic.

I want to use the Scheduler to open a new window of another page (e. g. the Timesheet) if an event was clicked, same as the Timesheet does with the Edit page. Therefore I added a function in the 'event_handling.js' file, where also the function for the Edit page of the Timesheet is. I also changed everything in the properties of the Scheduler.

Now when I run the project the Scheduler don't recognises the function, but it works if I use the function for the Edit page. Also other changes in this JavaScript file don't work. It seems that the Scheduler and Timesheet are usign another file for their JavaScript functions.

So how can I change the functions for JavaScript in the Scheduler?

Answer posted by AlexT
4 years ago.

I solved the Problem. The script was saved in the cache, so I just had to delete it. Now it works fine.

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