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Remove argument in the onScroll event for dynamic loading doesn't do anything.

Asked by Geoff
4 years ago.

When using the dynamic loading feature I am loading events by their associated resource. I want to add and remove events depending on what resource is visible. When attempting to remove, I was passing in an array of id's of the events into the remove argument in the onScroll event. This however did not remove events and they stay loaded. Regardless of if I am using this correctly, there should be more documentation on how to use this for dynamic loading. "args.remove - events to be removed (array of string | number values)" is not sufficient documentation.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

I'm checking the problem - it doesn't seem to work properly.

Sorry for the troubles - it has been added as an experimental feature without general explanation.

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