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How do I refresh the dataset with refreshCallBack

Asked by Doug
15 years ago.

Right now, I'm loading an entire year's events in the dataset for my calendar. Then I have "Next Week" "Previous Week" buttons to jump from week to week using the javascript:refresshCallBack command.

My question is: how do I load only one week at a time in the dataset, rather than the whole year? Is this something I do in the cal_Refresh method?

Thank you
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
You need to rebind - using DayPilotCalendar.DataBind() - every time you make a change to the event set. That means typically:
  • In Page_Load in if (!IsPostBack) section.
  • After moving, resizing, deleting... the event. That is inside EventMove, EventResize, EventDelete event handlers, right after updating your database.
  • In Refresh event handler (after switching the Date).
In all cases, you should limit your selection to the time range determined by DayPilotCalendar.StartDate and DayPilotCalendar.EndDate.

For an example SELECT query, see
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