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Recurrent Appointment not rendering into 2011

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.


In both the demo on the Daypilot site and also in my app using Daypilot, if you create a recurrent appointment, recurring weekly on say a Tuesday every 2 weeks. It renders correctly up until the year changes to 2011 then it doesn't render any more.

I have checked the dataset I am binding to in my app and the appointment is selected.

Can you tell me if I'm missing something? Thanks.

Comment posted by Anonymous
14 years ago.

This seems to occur whenever the year changes and you have a recurrent appointment repeating every x weeks into the new year.

Is this a rendering problem? If it is andwe keep creating appointments the recurr into next year so that once fixed they will display properly, or is there a danger that the rule encoded in the database may need to be changed?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

There seems to be a bug in the code that expands the rule into the individual occurrences. I will need to fix the algorithm.

Comment posted by Anonymous
14 years ago.

Ok thanks for the update Dan. Any idea how long this might take as we have a client waiting on this fix.

Many thanks for your help.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

I'd like to have the fix this week.

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