1. I implemented the Monthly view and it works great: https://doc.daypilot.org/month/month-view/
I saved the Start and End event time as - for example - 2/20/2020 00:00 and 2/20/2020 00:0
This is because I don't care about the time.
2. Now,I'm implementing this with the same data.
However, I don't care about the time as I mentioned abouve. My EventStart date is..for example... 1/20/2020 00:00 and EventEnd date is 1/20/2020 00:05.
3. When DayView displays the events, it displays it at 12 AM or whatever timestamp I have.
I want to display the events starting at 9 AM... for example...just one after another..in one column...regardless of the time.
Is this doable? can I ignore the time and just display the events in each column based on the day?