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Can't refresh daypilotscheduler

Asked by Carlo
5 years ago.

I bought Pro version.
In my web app I have on the top an user control with DayPilotMonth, on the footer, same events but with DayPilotScheduler. Loading events everything is ok. If I try to resize an event on DayPilotMonth, it works correctly, I update db, then I try to update DayPilotScheduler, but I can't

I populate scheduler (with rows) then I Render scheduler events, but It doesn't refresh
Can you help me shhowing right way to update it?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

If you need to update two controls at once in ASP.NET WebForms, there are two options:

1. You can place both controls in an UpdatePanel and use PostBack event handling. In the event handler, you will be able to update both of them.

2. If you are using CallBack/Notify handling you won't be able to reach other controls on the page in the event handler. In that case, it's necessary to call commandCallBack() method on the client side to request an update:

This will fire Command event on the server side and you will be able to update the events and rows there.

Comment posted by Carlo
5 years ago.

Can you please provide samples?
I tried , but I still not solve this issue....

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

This is a scenario where the ASP.NET WebForms version may not be the best fit. If you want a reliable solution that doesn't take much effort, I recommend using the UpdatePanel approach.

The callback scenario is more complex and not something we'd like to promote as a reference solution.

The most transparent solution is to make the database change using a standalone AJAX call from EventMoveJavaScript. As soon as it is completed you can refresh both controls using commandCallBack() invoked for each of them (see also for a commandCallBack() sample).

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