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Time range context menu is opened when time range is selected and clicking on event

Asked by Tiha Juhasz
4 years ago.

Not sure if it is a bug but it is definitely a UX issue because it is a completely unexpected behavior for the user.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Select an empty time range in a scheduler instance. Right-click on the selection, and it brings up the contextMenuSelection as expected.
2. Now right-click on an event and the time range context menu is shown on the event instead of the event contextMenu.

Expected behavior:
When there is a time range selected and the user right-clicks on an event, deselect the time range and open the event context menu on the event.

Please let me know if there is a solution to clear the time range selection when right clicking on an event and open up the event context menu for the event. Thank you.

I am using daypilot-pro-angular, version: 6.12.0 (2018.4.3487.tar.gz)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

Can you please give it a try using the latest DayPilot Pro version (2020.2.4470)?

Comment posted by Tiha Juhasz
4 years ago.

I have my license expired, so unfortunately I cannot use the latest version.

Is there a workaround to deselect the time range when right-clicking on the event?

Comment posted by Tiha Juhasz
4 years ago.

For anybody having this bug on an earlier version of Daypilot Scheduler: a workaround is to use the onEventMouseOver event and clear the selection.

this.scheduler.config.onEventMouseOver = args => this.onEventMouseOver();

onEventMouseOver() {
if (this.scheduler) {

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