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Events movable if time range over it is selected

Asked by Anonymous
11 months ago.

We are developers of RTM.

We added the functionality in our Scheduler that if you select a time range, all events in that time range are selected as well. Until now we only needed that for the context menu. We also implemented a “Multi Drag and Drop” of events. A requested use case was that if events are selected through a time range select, it should also be possible to use drag and drop on those events. Now when the time range is drawn over selected events, the events can’t be drag and dropped. Would it be possible to make them drag and droppable, even when the time range is drawn over them?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

The Scheduler includes a built-in tool for selecting multiple events using drag and drop - the rectangle selection. You can switch it to row-only mode to only select events in the same row. It disappears automatically after the selection is complete, leaving the events selected.

You can use time range selection for this purpose but it is rendered over events. If you don’t clear the selection in the onTimeRangeSelected event handler it will stay visible and block access to the underlying events.

You can try the following solutions:

  1. You can clear the selection and apply a custom color to the selected background cells using onBeforeCellRender.

  2. You can try adding pointer-events: none CSS style to the shadow (scheduler_default_shadow class). However, this is not tested and it may have undesired side effects (e.g., you won’t be able to open the selection context menu using right click).

Comment posted by Anonymous
11 months ago.

Ok thanks for the reply!

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