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Error: Event data item must specify 'start' property

Asked by Akhtar Raza
2 years ago.

All-time I'm getting this error when I create a first-time event. The second time and afterward it's worked fine.
although I'm giving start and end date correctly. I attached the error screenshot with this.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

This error suggests that the event data object doesn't have the correct structure.

I recommend checking the object - it may look fine at first sight but make sure that it's a real object - and not a JSON string or an array, for example.

Comment posted by Akhtar Raza
2 years ago.

I checked and It's a real object.

Comment posted by Akhtar Raza
2 years ago.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

Thanks for the update.

If you check the object structure you can see that it doesn't include the required properties - id, start, end, text and resource are missing.

See also:

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