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How to provide the header for scheduler and how to change the today's cell color?

Asked by pushplata
1 year ago.


I have to add the header or text for scheduler as you can see in the attached image their we have some text with date calendar icon and i have to change the today's cell color as you can see in image if today is 6th June so cell color is changed to white.
kindly guide me.

thanks in advance

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Instead of using the Scheduler time header to display the navigation, it's better to create your own toolbar and place it above the Scheduler.

To learn how to implement the next/previous/today buttons, please see the documentation:

You can highlight the time header using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler. In this tutorial, you will find an example that highlights holidays:

You can use the same mechanism to highlight the current day.

Another option is to use the built-in CSS. The current time header cell is marked with "scheduler_default_timeheader_cell_now". It is sliding automatically - it's not necessary to update the Scheduler periodically.

By default, there are no styles defined for this class. To highlight the cell, you'll need to add custom CSS definition.

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