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How to insert an image inside a task cell in a Gantt Chart?

Asked by Laura Arana
12 years ago.


I'd like to insert an image inside the "New Task" task cell I have in my Gantt Chart. I tried this code:

dpScheduler.Resources.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", "New Task" & " ", "<a class='gvToolNewTaskDesc' href='javascript: void(0)'><asp:Image ID='imgInfoNewTaskDesc' ImageAlign='AbsMiddle' ImageUrl='<%$ Theme: Images/icon_Info.gif %>' runat='server' /></a>"), "NEW")

but it doesn't work, it writesthe string as is, doesn't load the image...

Do you think there is a method to do this work?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

You can customize the header HTML using BeforeResHeaderRender event. This event is called once for each resource and you can modify e.InnerHTML as needed there. The default e.InnerHTML value is an escaped event text.

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