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using hours on X-Axys, resources on Y-axys, and a second metric on Y-asyx

Asked by Adriano Trentim
1 year ago.

I need to use the timeline with hours in the columns and resources in the rows, however, I need a second unit also in the lines, for example, dividing the rows into units of meters, for example:

In the columns, I configure days and hours to be used.
In the rows (resources) to be 100px in height.

So I need an event that is 3 hours (horizontal) and 60px (vertical).
So I need an event that is 2 hours (horizontal) and 40px (vertical).

Both on the same resource, on the same day.

Other events next day

That has 5 hours (horizontal) and 30px (vertical).
That has 8 hours (horizontal) and 40px (vertical).
That has 7 hours (horizontal) and 30px (vertical).

Is it possible to use 2 units, one in Y-Axys and one in X-Axys?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve but here are the related options:

1. You can specify the vertical position of an event inside a row manually:

2. You can split the row to display multiple resources (which you can use to display hours):

3. You can set custom height for each event in pixels (using the "height" property):

Comment posted by Adriano Trentim
1 year ago.

Okay, I'll try to explain better.

I split the resources with split. So far so good.

Now, I need a given event to "cover" more than one resource, without increasing the row itself.

To do this, I tried to increase the height of the event, but in doing so, the line (resource) also increases, I need it to be the same size every time.

I need the event to "cover" the other resource lines, without increasing them.

Is there somewhere I can post an example? I think it will be clearer what I need.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Unfortunately, an event can't span multiple rows. The only option is to display such an event as multiple events, one per row.

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