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Can't Write Input Using DayPilot.Modal.prompt

Asked by Matt
1 year ago.


I'm testing out DayPilot pro in an Angular typescript application. I'm using a Modal.prompt() inside of a Calendar config.

My issue is that prompt will function properly accept that it will not all user input. It will display default values, etc. but the input field will not work.

For testing, if I change the Modal.prompt() to a prompt(), it functions properly and allows input.

Attached are screenshots of the applicable code for both examples.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

It depends on what "will not work" means - the field is read-only, can't be focused, you can't type in the field, the new value is not available in modal.result?

I recommend inspecting the <input> element that displays the value using browser developer tools. This may give you an idea.

There may be some kind of interference with something else on your page (perhaps your global CSS). To debug that, you can try the same modal dialog in a blank page (without custom CSS and components), using the default CSS theme (without {theme: "modal_rounded"}).

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