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Feature: Display in new line if event overlaps htmlLeft / htmlRight of another event.

Asked by Markus Peter
1 year ago.


A nice feature would be an additional mode, where an event will be moved into a new line if it would overlap the htmlLeft / htmlRight areas of another event, even if it does not overlap the actual event time.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

The element that displays htmlLeft/htmlRight content has variable width and it's not possible to calculate the real width without expensive pre-rendering.

However, you can use a workaround:

You can reserve a defined space around an event by adding an event version to it:

If you enable the "eventVersionsReserveSpace" mode the date/time range occupied by the versions will block other events at the same position:

If you set the event version height to 0 the versions won't be visible but they will keep the blocking effect.

Event versions can also be used to display text above events, like in this tutorial:

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