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Event overlap javascript

Asked by Davide
7 years ago.

is there a javascript method to check if two child events with different parent are overlapping?

Via code (js) i'm able to retreive this two events during resizing event of one of them but it's quite difficult to check if the are overlapping using each start and time.

Thank you.

Answer posted by Davide
7 years ago.

Found a solution:

dc = dp.resources[x].children[y].id;

var dcStart =;
var dcEnd =;
var deStart = args.start.addMinutes(30); 
var deEnd = args.end.addMinutes(-30); 
if (dcStart >= deStart && dcStart <= deEnd || deStart >= dcStart && deStart <= dcEnd)

Hope this could help someone.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Thanks for posting the solution.

DayPilot includes a helper method that checks an overlap:

var overlaps = DayPilot.Util.overlaps(start1, end1, start2, end2);
Comment posted by Davide
7 years ago.

It works and it is simpler than my solution!

Thank you!


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