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How to increase the Event height in a schedular

Asked by Sven Heuer
1 year ago.

Hi, i am searching for hours to increase the height of the event and got lost in the documtenation ;-) .
See picture. I found a lot aboiut witdth. But very less for the height. (only that is should do it automatically)

How can I increase the height of the event, that it fits into the space? I suppose it is very easy?!

Comment posted by Sven Heuer
1 year ago.

Currently after the post I found eventHeight. This will increase at least manually the height of the event. But the event text does not fit into the event box. The calender will adjust the text into the box, the schedular not. Mhh

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Thanks for posting the solution!

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