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Save selected dropdown item to the database

Asked by Las Mark
11 months ago.

How can i save the selected item in array to the other database table

const form = [
    { name: "Request an Appointment" },
    { name: "From", id: "start", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy h:mm tt", disabled: true },
    { name: "To", id: "end", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy h:mm tt", disabled: true },
    { name: "Name", id: "name", type: "text" },
    { name: "Email", id: "email", type: "text" },

        name: "Service",
        id: "serviceDropdown",
        type: "select",
        options: [],

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 months ago.

After the modal dialog is closed, you need to call an API endpoint that will save the changes.

You can access the updated data object as "modal.result". The selected value is accessible as "modal.result.serviceDropdown" (that's the value of the id property of the dropdown field)

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