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Time is getting lost ...

Asked by David Hibshman
1 year ago.

I use the onEventClick to display the Modal dialog as shown below. For a particular event the existing start is 2024-03-18T18:00:00:00 and existing end 2024-03-18T19:30:00:00. When the modal dialog displays it correctly shows the start as March 18, 2024 6:00 PM and end as March 19, 2024 7:30 PM per the dateFormat I configured.

If I select new dates for both fields (use 3/11/2024 for both) using the DatePicker widget the field now correctly shows start as March 11, 2024 6:00 PM and end as March 11, 2024 7:30 PM. The resulting modal.result object for these fields does not include the time portion shown on screen. The data reports as start 2024-03-11T00:00:00:00 and end 2024-03-11T00:00:00:00.

If I edit the time in each field after selecting the date and before closing the dialog the time portion now comes through.

This seems unexpected. If a time is displaying in a date field it seems it should be returned by the modal dialog. I am using daypiloti-all-min.js version 2024.1.519-lite.

const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.form(const form = [

 {name: "Name", id: "text"},

 {name: "Start", id: "start", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy h:mm tt"},

 {name: "End", id: "end", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy h:mm tt"},

 {name: "Location", id: "loc", type: "textarea", height: 66},

 {name: "Website Link", id: "url"},

 {name: "Contact Phone", id: "number"},

 {name: "Contact Email", id: "email"}

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

If you don’t specify the field type explicitly, the modal dialog form will use a date field when dateFormat is specified.

If you want to use the full date/time value I recommend using the date/time field instead.

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