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PRO Demo version use for local application

Asked by Richard
8 months ago.

Hello. I have seen this question before, but without the answer I am interested in. If the demo version completely meets my requirements(even the ‘demo’ inscription), can I use it for a small application without any future penalties, without paid version, with indicating “made with daypilot”?

Comment posted by Richard
8 months ago.

Also interested, if this demo version allowed only for specific time limit or not. I just installed the script, without confirming demo version registration

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 months ago.

Using DayPilot Pro in production requires a full license. In case of an internal application, it’s the “Web” edition (see also the Buy page).

The trial version license is limited to 60 days and is for evaluation purposes only.

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