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How to clear selected events with ctrl + click

Asked by Michael Wolf
6 months ago.

How do I clear selected events that have been highlighted with ctrl + click.

The clearSelection() method is not working.

contextMenu: new DayPilot.Menu({
  items: [
      text: "Copy",
      onClick: (args) => {
        clipboard =;
        const dp = args.source.calendar;
        console.log("Copicat", clipboard);
      text: "Copy Multiple",
      onClick: (args) => {
        const dp = args.source.calendar;
        console.log("Copicat", multiclipboard);
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 months ago.

The clearSelection() method clears the time range selection.

To clear the event selection, you will need to use the multiselect.clear() method. See also event selecting in the documentation.

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