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Critical Issue with Drag and Drop.

Asked by Anonymous
10 months ago.

I'm encountering an issue with the drag and drop functionality. When I drag near the boundary of a whole hour (please see the video for what happens around the transition from 12:30 to 12:45), the event gets bounced back. I'm attaching the complete code for the table component. Please assist me as this has been a persistent problem that we've been dealing with for some time.

This happens both with PC and Touch, it’s like onEventMoving and onEventMoved are not the same.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 months ago.

Most likely, this is caused by the fractional value used for the cellHeight property:

const config: any = {
  cellHeight: 42.75,
  // ...

I recommend using an integer value. Fractional values may not only disrupt rounding during calculations, but they may also result in blurry lines on displays where virtual pixels correspond to physical pixels.

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