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DayPilot Scheduler Event Moving Shadow Issue

Asked by Daniel
5 years ago.

I have noticed a small issue on DayPilot Scheduler which seems to be a possible bug.

Process: I have a Scheduler dated 5th March to 15th March. In this I have an event which starts on 4th March and ends on 8th March. When trying to move this event to another row, the highlight shadow to track the event movement only shows on 5th,6th and 7th March. It does not show on 8th March.
However if another event is present from 6th to 10th, the shadow is correct.

This issue only happens when the Event has a Start date before the Scheduler Start Date.
Can you please check this?

I am using Angular 9 with the latest release of DayPilot Pro.


Comment posted by Daniel
4 years ago.


I have been waiting 2 months for an answer. When can I expect an answer about the above bug?
If you need some more details please let me know.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

For the record:

The problem was a combination of snapToGrid: true and useEventBoxes:"Never", cellDuration: 1440 and events that start at 12:00 (noon).

The events snap to the grid with this config - that means the start time gets reset to 00:00.

You can either change the cellDuration to 720 to support 12:00 as a target position or implement custom snap-to-grid logic:

You can also disable the snap-to-grid functionality:

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