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Scheduler: drag event to new resource, but keep times

Asked by D Briggs
10 years ago.

I have a scheduler broken into 15 minute intervals.

Let's say there's an event from 11:05 - 11:35. I want to be able to drag the event to a new resource without changing the times, but only if it's dragged to the same time block.

So, if a 11:05 event on Resource A is dragged to the 11:00 block of Resource B, it should still be 11:05, but if it's changed to the 12:00 block on Resource B, it can change times.

I am aware of SnapToGrid property, but it doesn't perform as desired (it's too easy to change by a minute, for example)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

You can disable horizontal drag and drop event moving using BeforeEventRender event handler:

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