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Collapse task in DayPilot.Gantt

Asked by Leo
1 year ago.

How do you collapse a row/task in DayPilot.Gantt?

In the API docs it refers to the methods collapse() and toggle(), however I always receive errors like TypeError: row.collapse is not a function

My code is as follows:

this.gantt.tasks.list.forEach((row: any) => {

Using the following does not work either:


Am I missing something?

Thank you!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

The tasks.list array holds the raw data objects (they don’t have any methods).

The method you need is DayPilot.Task.row.collapse(). You can call it like this:

Comment posted by Anonymous
1 year ago.

can you elaborate on what the call is supposed to look like? because when i create my gantt like this:

            const dp = new DayPilot.Gantt("dp", {
                cellWidthSpec: "Fixed",
                cellWidth: 40,
                timeHeaders: [{ "groupBy": "Month" }, { "groupBy": "Day", "format": "d" }],
                scale: "Day",
                taskHeight: 25,
                rowHeaderHideIconEnabled: true,
                rowMoveHandling: "Disabled",
                taskMoveHandling: "Disabled",
                linkCreateHandling: "Disabled",
                rowCreateHandling: "Disabled",
                heightSpec: "Max",
                taskGroupMode: "Manual",
                days: 30,
                height: window.innerHeight - 260,

And call the function you specified like this:


I get null even though the id i entered does exist in the tasks list and is even a parent element

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