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How to collapse all groups by default ?

Asked by Ramgaard
5 years ago.


Is it somehow possible to have all groups collapsed by default ?

I'm aware that I can use: DayPilot.Row.groups.collapseAll(); after gantt is loaded, but I want them to be collapsed as default.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

You probably mean the Gantt chart which displays the nodes expanded by default.

You can override the default value using row.collapsed property of the data object:

  id: 1
  start: "2019-01-01T09:00:00",
  end: "2019-01-01T13:00:00",
  text: "Task 1",
  row: {
    collapsed: true
  children: [ ... ]

See also:

The DayPilot.Row.groups.collapseAll() method doesn't control the tree node expanded/collapsed state but "concurrent event groups" in the Scheduler:

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