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How to prevent even dragging and resize on selected events

Related article: JavaScript Resource Calendar Tutorial - PHP/MySQL (Open-Source)
Asked by Anonymous
1 year ago.
  • Is it possible to prevent the drag/resize only selected events?

  • Do we have tooltip option when hover the event?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Drag and drop

In the Lite (open-source) version, you can only enable/disable drag and drop for all calendar events using eventMoveHandling and eventResizeHandling.

In the Pro version, you can disable it for selected calendar events using moveDisabled and resizeDisabled properties of the event data object (see It is also possible to apply additional rules using onEventMoving and onEventResizing (see also event resizing customization).


You can display an event tooltip using the toolTip property.

In the Pro version, you can also use a more powerful bubble to show calendar event details on hover.

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