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Questions Tagged php

Changing date format on Day/Week view

Answered: You can use the locale property to apply culture-specific settings (such as date format, first day of week….). const calendar = new DayPilot.Calendar("calendar", { locale: "en-au", // ... }); ...

I don't see the event on the calendar but it is present on DB

Answered: This tutorial was created for an older version of PHP. PHP 8.3 produces warnings about using dynamic properties: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ... is deprecated in ... on line ... That dis...

isnt working

Answered: Do you see any error in the JavaScript console?

Initialize Calendar to Show Start and End Time on Event

Answered: The showEventStartEnd property isn’t supported in the open-source version of the Calendar component at the moment. However, you can customize the event content as needed using the onBeforeEventRender...

increase day-time insert events column

Answered: The cell duration (and number of cells per hour) can be configured in the Calendar, but this option is only available in the Pro version.

I need to group the timings to show from time and to time, instead of hours.

Answered: If you just want to change the content of the time header, you can use the onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler to customize it in the Pro version of the Calendar. To define custom time slots, it i...

How to create slots with 2 or 3 hours and display them as single column?

Answered: In the Scheduler, you can create your own timeline by defining individual time slots. You can set custom start and end times for each slot, as long as they do not overlap with other slots.

Changing the date in the resource calendar

Answered: To change the current date, it is necessary to update the startDate property, which is used as the default date for the columns (if they don’t specify a custom date). You can find an example here: Ne...

location is not changing

Answered: It looks like there is bug in the onchange event handler. An updated version will be released soon.

Timeline & resync events in resource view

Answered: > Any possibility to show the current timeline or highlight the current cell duration with different background in lite version? This is not supported in the Lite version at the moment. In the Pro ve...

How to prevent even dragging and resize on selected events

Answered: Drag and drop In the Lite (open-source) version, you can only enable/disable drag and drop for all calendar events using eventMoveHandling and eventResizeHandling. In the Pro version, you can disable...

newResourceId is undefined on event resize

Answered: There is no args.newResource available in onEventResize as the resource doesn’t change during resizing. You can access the event resource ID using args.e.resource().

Backend events are not loaded in the resource calender

Answered: Thanks for the update! The problem is the type of events.resource_id database field. It is incorrectly set to varchar instead of integer. Older versions of PHP/PDO converted integer values to string ...

Part Time employees

Answered: You can mark specified days as disabled using onBeforeCellRender in the Scheduler component. This method is used in the tutorial to disable weekends: onBeforeCellRender: (args) => { const day = ar...

Impossible to show events from my database (resource calendar)

Answered: When displaying a resource calendar (viewType: "Resources"), it is necessary to specify the resource id for events using the resource property. This value needs to match the column id exactly (includ...

How I can modify resources? If I don’t need group?

Answered: If the events don’t display correctly, you should check the id of the resources (resources[].id) and the resource of events (event.list[].resource). Events are only displayed in a row if these value ...

Insert another textarea

Answered: You can use a custom modal dialog and add as many field as needed. Here is an example: async function modalText() { const form = [ {name: "Name", id: "name", type: "text"}, {name: "D...

Moving and resizing tasks was not explained

Answered: You can find the documentation here: Resizing: Moving (horizontal):

tennis club

im making a website about tennis club using php i dont know how to do it please help me

Back end

Answered: This project shows a single page with the restaurant reservation UI. It is kept as simple as possible so that the code can be modified easily. There is no admin part.

multiple event

Answered: This is not supported in the Calendar component at the moment but you can take a look at the Scheduler component which can group concurrent events automatically:

Multiple event show +1

Answered: > If we have multiple event can we show +2 or +3 etc Please see my answer here: > in weekly can we change date format You can change the calen...

Example does not work

Answered: I recommend checking the HTTP call to the API (backend_events.php) in the browser developer console (Network tab). Most likely, you will see a DB-related error instead of the expected JSON array with...

DB Connection data not showing at index

Answered: I recommend checking the HTTP calls to the API (especially work_order_resources.php and work_order_list.php) in the browser developer console (Network tab). Make sure that the response includes the c...

MySQL cannot use just SQlite can use only why?

Answered: In order to switch to MySQL please follow the instructions at the bottom of the article (a section called "Database (MySQL, SQLite)"). You need to edit _db.php and _mysql.php files.

php hotel room booking

Answered: You can find the licensing options at the Buy page:

JSON error in file: daypilot-all.min.js

Answered: This happens if the PHP backend returns an error instead of a JSON response. I recommend checking the backend HTTP request using browser developer tools. The response will contain an error message wh...

How to add a database and script to handle public holidays.

Answered: There is a tutorial available that shows how to display holidays (by setting a custom scheduler cell background color): I beli...

How to load row axis based on selected items from dropdown by the user

Answered: You need to make sure that the URL used in dp.rows.load() call returns the data correctly. I recommend using browser developer tools (Ctrl-Shift-I or Option-Command-I), the Network tab, to inspect th...

How to refresh gannt chart based on dropdown values

Answered: The following tutorial includes a project that displays a drop-down list with locations: When a user selects an item...
Questions 1-30 of 96 Next