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columnBubble is shown at different location

Asked by Anonymous
3 months ago.

When html content is given to args.html, the bubble is shown at different location. When more number of Items added, the bubble keep shifting to the bottom

columnBubble: new DayPilot.Bubble({
    onLoad: (args) => {
        // popup shown at column header as expected
        // args.html = "Heading";

        // popup shown at different location as shown in the figure
        args.html = "<h4>Heading</h4><ul><li>Item-1</li><li>Item-2</li></ul>";

        // popup shift is more than shown in the figure
        // args.html = "<h4>Heading</h4><ul><li>Item-1</li><li>Item-2</li><li>Item-3</li></ul>"; 

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 months ago.

This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.2.5913).

Please let me know if the problem persists.

Comment posted by Anonymous
3 months ago.

It works with (2024.2.5913)

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