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DayPilot.Scheduler.selectTimeRange() seems to snap wrong

Asked by Leo
8 months ago.

Hi there,

in Day View of DayPilot.Scheduler, when having snapToGrid = true, using selectTimeRange() has an unintended effect.

E.g. doing:

DayPilot.Scheduler.selectTimeRange("2024-06-05T10:00:00", "2024-06-05T11:00:00", “xxx”, false);

With a 15-min. grid, the selection will jump from 10.00am to 11.15am. The snapToGrid seems to increment the selection. Our current workaround is removing one second from the times to select, e.g. 2024-06-05T10:59:59.

Is this intended?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 months ago.

This is not intended. But unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce the problem. Could you please post your config?

Comment posted by Leo
8 months ago.

Sure, this is our config:

this.scheduler.viewType = 'Day';
this.scheduler.heightSpec = 'BusinessHours';
this.scheduler.locale = this.settings.locale;
this.scheduler.businessBeginsHour = 8;
this.scheduler.businessEndsHour = 18;
this.scheduler.cellDuration = 15;
this.scheduler.cellHeight = 12;
this.scheduler.eventClickHandling = 'Disabled';
this.scheduler.eventDoubleClickHandling = 'Enabled';
this.scheduler.eventResizeHandling = 'Enabled';
this.scheduler.eventMoveHandling = 'Enabled';
this.scheduler.eventHoverHandling = 'Disabled';
this.scheduler.crosshairType = 'Disabled';
this.scheduler.allowEventOverlap = false;
this.scheduler.timeRangeSelectedHandling = 'Enabled';
this.scheduler.showAllDayEvents = false;
this.scheduler.headerDateFormat = 'dddd, dd.MM.yyyy';
this.scheduler.headerHeight = 0;
this.scheduler.hourWidth = 55;
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 months ago.


It turned out to be the Calendar component and it should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.2.5954):

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