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Partial resource updates without full redraw

Asked by Santor Schuddebeurs
7 months ago.

We are using the Angular Scheduler component and have approximately 400 resources, each with its own HTML content.

When an event is added, removed or changed within a resource, we need to update that resource with new counters. To do this, we use the method this.scheduler.control.update({resources: this.scheduler.control.resources}) to update all resources.

The problem is that this method updates all resources and also resets our keyboard navigation again (probably because rows and cells are re-rendered).

Is there a possibility of updating the HTML of one resource without re-rendering the rest? The HTML content is now set via args.resource.html in the event handler onBeforeResHeaderRender.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

Yes, you can update just a single row using the rows.update() method.

Comment posted by Santor Schuddebeurs
7 months ago.

Does this also work for "split resources" and we're using the "no row headers" so that the parent row only shows up and not the sub resources?

I don't see the main row in the row array, so can I update it?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

It looks like rows.find() and rows.update() don’t work well with split resources - please let me check that.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2024.3.5999).

The rows.find() method can now find a resource that has sub-resources (defined using the split property).

To update the row, you can modify the row data property as needed and call rows.update().

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