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Check For Overlap with Javascript

Asked by Anonymous
4 months ago.


I’m using DayPilot Lite and I want to check to see if an event overlaps and prevent the event from being moved to an occupied cell. Is there a way I can use event handlers to achieve this? (i.e. onEventMove, onEventMoving)

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 months ago.

You can do it in the onEventMove event handler using the events.forRange() method:

onEventMove: args => {
    const movedEvent = args.e;
    const newStart = args.newStart;
    const newEnd = args.newEnd;

    const overlappingEvents =, newEnd).filter(event => {
        return !==;

    const hasOverlap = overlappingEvents.length > 0;

    if (hasOverlap) {
        // Additional actions (e.g., user notification) can be added here

The events.forRange() method is available in the open-source version since 2024.4.609.

The onEventMoving event is only available in the Pro version.


Comment posted by Anonymous
4 months ago.

I have my calendar defined as dp, and I’m getting an Uncaught TypeError: is not a function.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 months ago.

It looks like you are using an older version - please make sure that you are using 2024.4.609 (which was released earlier today).

Also, there is a bug in the original example - the comparison needs to be done using the id() method of DayPilot.Event:

const overlappingEvents =, newEnd).filter(event => {
  return !==;
Comment posted by Anonymous
4 months ago.

It works! Thank you!

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