Hello DayPilot Team,
I’m sorry if this is not a bug but I could not find any information regarding the issue that I am having.
I am working on a project that is using daypilot-pro-react v2024.4.6294 and I wanted to use onTimeRangeClicked event instead of onTimeRangeSelected to handle event creation but I discovered that setting allowMultiRange: true
in the scheduler config somehow makes the following events do nothing: onTimeRangeClick, onTimeRangeClicked, onTimeRangeDoubleClick and onTimeRangeDoubleClicked.
With the same setting enabled onTimeRangeRightClick and onTimeRangeRightClicked events do work as in executing the provided function but the data provided by them is just for the time range that was right clicked on and there is no list provided for all the ranges that are selected.
For reproduction I attached a file where I took the code from Next.js Scheduler with DayPilot and just set allowMultiRange and then added console logs for the events mentioned above.
I could not find any mentions in the documentation regarding some kind of limitation between time range click handling and multi time ranges.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Radu M.